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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Contests are over, so now I can do fun little things

Well, the "red dress contest" is officially over and voting will start soon.  I have removed the badges as the contest voting was completed and I found out that I didn't  The point really wasn't to win, it was to challenge myself to enter and complete more contests....I've put out a lot of challenges for myself this year.

Now I can focus on finishing up some baby clothes for a friend...have 3 pairs of pants cut out and will put them together today (minus the elastic in the waist until I can get in touch with her) and have 1 of the coordinating shirts ready to be cut out.  Then I have 2 more shirts to cut.....followed by 2 precious little dresses and a romper.  Hopefully I can get these done before the little one outgrows them!!

Of course, there's also the outfit that my own daughter requested for Easter...kind of a retro design...drop waist dress, matching jacket...and of course, it is pink and ivory...not sure what she's going to do for shoes, but we shall see.

No other real projects with a deadline, so once I get through those, I will do some more blankets for Soldiers' Angels (which will help them and get more fleece out of my workroom, thereby giving me more space to work in)'s a win-win as far as I can

No pictures in this post...sorry....but there will be a post soon per request of a friend that details the allowance by point system that we use in the house, and that will include a picture of our whiteboard with the chore breakdown and point values and whatnot...pretty sure I explored this way back when this blog was fairly new, but pictures are always helpful.....see y'all some other time

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