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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sewing and......not

I had planned on having pictures of finished items to post....yeah, we all know the sayings about plans and good intentions....

Ah well.  I was able to get in to see a dear friend (whom I haven't seen in WAY too long, but have kept in contact with)....after an hour massage with the most delicious lavender oil, I felt more at peace with things....more able to focus on what needs to be done, not just for everybody else in the freaking world (so it seems lately), but specifically for ME.

As a result of all this, I've pared down the items I will be making for the fall craft fair.  I figure, if I'm not excited about making the items, nobody will be excited about buying them.  SO....the things that have been cut out since last year will sit for another year.  If they still don't excite me, then I will put the cut bits of fabric into a scrap bag to take to the elementary school, where either the art teacher or music teacher will use them.

I made some progress on one of the new items -  hanging dish towels - and have figured out that I really do NOT like making aprons, but DO like making the little kitchen things like the dish towels, oven mitts, etc.  That's what I will be working on for the next few days.  I've also got some microwave steamers for ears of corn, potatoes, and tortillas, though I think I'm only going to make 3 or 4 of each of them.  After that, I will re-evaluate again to see what needs to get done.

It may seem odd worrying about and working on things for a fall craft fair, but Ken's cousin is coming for a visit, and I would like to be able to let her stay in a reasonably cleaned up's not a pride thing, more of a "don't move my piles, I know exactly what's in them" kind of thing.  By reducing the piles, I'm less likely to have anything

I'm pretty sure that I'm done with both bath items and jewelry because they aren't selling....but we shall see this year....

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