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Sunday, July 10, 2011

pulling my hair out.....

So, I was working right along on the items that I need to get replenished for the upcoming craft fair....the hanging dishtowels....when hubby asked me if I was only going to use white towels because they'd get dirty rather clarify, I have white towels with single stripes of different colors (tan, blue, red, or green) and I was using different fabrics for the part that you use to hang it over the oven door bar.  So....while I thought that I was making progress, I'm now in a holding pattern because my business brain took over from my creative brain as I try to figure out if the ones I already have planned will sell or if I need to bag these and find colored dishtowels to use.

Crap and double, I decided to take a break and start cutting strips and squares for the quilt that DD requested I make her.  I have 2 squares done and enough cut out that I should be able to get most of the quilt top pieced.  When asked what her favorite color was (purple, pink, or turquoise), she had difficulty deciding between pink and purple....finally she decided that pink was her favorite.  So....the blocks have large squares of the floral print that we found, with small squares of turquoise, and strips of purple, and the sashing will be pink.  Hoping that I have enough of the pink for the backing, but if not....I can always piece together the  Not sure if I will tie it or take it to someone who can do long-arm quilting on it...not there yet since I just started piecing the blocks today.

I really shouldn't be taking this break, but until I can work out the issues between the business brain and the creative brain, I need to be working on something a bit simpler.....eventually it will all work out and I will get back on track - hoping no later than tomorrow because I've got quite a bit that I need to finish off....blah...

1 comment:

  1. Do you think you can tea-dye some of the white ones to a tan or beige-ish color?
