In addition to all that (by all that I mean the frustration from last minute notification, no head count, etc.) one of the leaders decided to resign because of comments made on my post venting my frustration about not knowing when and how many people.....yeah, people she didn't even know were stating their opinions and such and she decided to use them to quit the troop....then again, I saw her maybe 2 times the entire time Rebekah and I were there (and we joined late in the year, so I don't know how many meeting she actually showed up to overall). Oh, and then I tried to get some information from our bank...but they had to talk to Ken because the information I wanted was in his name only, and...well, it went rapidly downhill from there.
SO.....because of the fear of screwing even more things up, I have pretty much done nothing all day....other than pick up dog and cat food and price the additional colors I might need to do the decorations for the cake....once I know how big the cake is going to be.....may have to re-size the decorations, but we shall see....blah
SO....Friday I finished and listed one of my quilts....and yesterday I got borders added to a quilt top that I've been staring at for several's the quilt that was finished and listed on Etsy: